Are you a creative entrepreneur or a heart-centered business person?

Perhaps you are a life coach, musician, energy worker, visual artist, writer, massage therapist, teacher, performer, etc.

Are you tired of spinning your wheels and feeling like your gifts are not reaching enough people?

You know you're ready to serve the world in a bigger way, but you feel stuck!

This powerful 30-day program will help!

Here are some of the training sessions Bob and Pooki will cover in the 30-Day Magnetize Your Tribe Accelerator:

  • Hypnotic Sales: How to create irresistible offers that inspire your ideal clients to buy (without using any hard-sell tactics). 
  • How to raise your prices and charge what you’re worth (while still offering something of value to people with limited funds).
  • Magnetic Content: The 5 types of things you should be sharing online to build your authority as the go-to expert in your field. 
  • How to create multiple streams of soul-aligned income (especially passive income). 
  • Your Signature System: How to turbo-charge your status and stand out in a crowded marketplace.
  • Your Magnetic Marketing Funnel: The simplified definition and how to use it to attract ideal fans and followers. 
  • The Purpose-Driven Lead Magnet: Your #1 asset for authentically connecting with fans and paying customers.

All of the lessons will be delivered through 9 Live Zoom Training Sessions and Q&A Calls with Bob and Pooki. 

The calls will take place on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 10 AM Eastern - the dates are October 17, 21, 24, 28, 31, November 4, 7, 11, and 14. 

All of the sessions will be recorded, so you can watch them later at your convenience. If you can't make the calls or you feel you'll be too busy during the program dates, please know that you will get LIFETIME ACCESS to all the training video sessions and materials.

You'll also get ... 

24/7 access to a private online community (not a Facebook group) of like-minded creative entrepreneurs and heart-centered business people going through the program. Introduce yourself, post questions, share wins, get feedback, and lift each other up!

Register Now! The 30-day program starts October 16!